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Sin Luz (without light)
Music of Sally Greenaway
Sin Luz (without light) is a serenade for our most profound human experiences. It is a musical poem for those rare moments when words fall short.
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In a sudden moment, two worlds collided and composer Sally Greenaway was cornered. She had been working on a new commission for two new pieces, when suddenly a personal crisis took command of her creative voice. As she experienced a myriad of emotions, too complex and nuanced to describe, she delicately teased out each note and carefully placed them onto the manuscript with utmost care.
Sin Luz (without light) explores a heart's sorrow, tranquility and resolve. It is a serenade for our most profound human experiences. It is solace and quietude, silent pain and numbing calm. It is a musical poem for those rare moments when words fall short.
And, in case you were wondering, the second piece (for the commission) was written shortly after, when good news had been received and a deep sigh of relief could follow; it is called De la Luz (into the light), also known as Encore de Lirico (and happens to be Greenaway's most popular piece to date). The pair of pieces were scored for classical guitar, for John Couch's album Ask Me Tomorrow.
Greenaway re-scored the pieces for her own enjoyment at the piano, and she has now included them in a book (volume 1) comprising several of her piano works for other pianists to enjoy.
... quietly contemplative ...

Limited edition sheet music book
Piano Music For Discoverers (volume 1)
A collection of 12 original compositions for piano by Australian composer Sally Greenaway.
Spanning a range of difficulty levels (from grades 2-8; early-intermediate to advanced), the pieces explore a range of moods, from peaceful to joyful and everything in between.
Sin Luz was commissioned by John Couch (originally scored for solo guitar).
Composer, artistic director:
Sally Greenaway
Instrumentation & performers:
Sally Greenaway - piano
Recorded on a hand-made Shigeru Kawai SK5
Audio engineers:
- Location recording, mixing - Duncan Lowe
- Mastering - Kimmo Vennonen
Music video production:
- Camera operator - Peter Levan
- Enemies of Reality Films
- Editor - Marisa Martin
Location recording:
- Recorded at Greenaway Studio, Canberra
Copyright © ℗ 2022 Sally Greenaway
This project was made possible thanks to philanthropic support.
Sally Greenaway gratefully acknowledges the significant contributions of her generous donors:
- Peter Barta
- Carol Le Brocq
- Yu-Lan Chan
- Julie Evans
- Paul Charles Leopardi
- Simon Mitchell
- Antony Paltridge
- Judith Lorraine Thomson
- Anonymous (ACT)
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