One of the most striking qualities of Greenaway's works ... is that feeling for landscape which also characterises the music of Peter Sculthorpe or Nigel Westlake, the spacious scoring and meandering melodiousness contributing to a sense of sublime restfulness.
There is an intimacy in her music that is the size and weight of a human life. Sally's music is an act of kindness. A bird song. The path of a swan. The pattern of a rose. It is light reflecting on water. It is walking through a forest.
This (Resonance) is a piece that shows just how good this composer is. The balance of voices, the depth of the style, combined with the moving lyrics. This is a major new work that proves that Australian composers are creating some of the most moving music.
expressive, introspective and emotionally satisfying original compositions...

About Sally Greenaway
A leading composer of her generation, Sally Greenaway's music delights audiences and musicians alike. Her music expresses our most intimate to grandiose experiences of our world, with a strong focus on nature, Australian landscape and the beauty in humanity.
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Limited edition sheet music book
Piano Music For Discoverers (volume 1)
A collection of 12 original compositions for piano by Australian composer Sally Greenaway.
Spanning a range of difficulty levels (from grades 2-8; early-intermediate to advanced), the pieces explore a range of moods, from peaceful to joyful and everything in between.